Muppets you'd like to see back...


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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What are some of the Muppets, perhaps obscure, that you'd like to see come back for a Muppet online short/tv show/film/special/ect?
It's cool how they've brought back Carl the meanine and Luncheon Counter monster back. And I like how theyve used some Jim Henson Hour Muppets over the years(as well as the Bossmen and various monsters) They even have brought back UK Mopatop characters.

For me the Muppets I think that should return are:

Joe the Armadillo(the cutest muppet Ive ever seen performed)


Mo Frackle

Nigel the director:


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Link - one of the main supporting characters that has yet to really fully resurface after the losses of Henson/Hunt. Too classic a character to remain out of it for so long.

Would love to see Thog rebuilt and used.

Mahna Mahna - yes he did make some nifty comebacks between MuppetFest and the Bandana psa thingie, but i miss just seeing him as a background character, popping up on screen in unexpected moments. Heck if the Snowths can pop up on Muppets Tonight, Jerry Lewis Telethon, and Studio DC, Mahna can be part of a crowd scene (if i was Claire, i wouldn't need all the Muppets to keep me company of Christmas, just Mahna popping out of a fruitcake yelling Mahna Mahna would do nicely)

Gloat - we've had the Blue Frackle still continue to make random appearances, but not Green...and somehow that just doesn't seem right.

Lips - nuff said.

Flash - i don't need the whole Solid Foam band back but this character has a lot of potential as a stand-alone puppet (and may i say one of the few Muppets i had a "Muppet crush" on)

Wayne - on the Muppet Show, he survived past season one, but not much past the end of the series itself...and yes, he wouldn't be totally the same without Richard Hunt but man i still would love to see him back in some way (again if even as a background character) oh man, if i had pursued my dream of being a Muppeteer, *I* could have done him as i can match him extremely well vocally!

Gladys - again another Hunt character that was as great as she was especially due to Hunt's performance, but i've waited since 1978 for her to appear again and i suppose i've never given up still waiting.

Nigel (the conducter)...since he rarely spoke (aside from his debut), he could totally be easily brought back...i love his look and how i would love to see him waving his baton in front of the Muppet Orchestra again.

Marvin Suggs - always has been among my top five faves...he's one of those Muppets that make my eyes go wide and jaw drop whenever he's onscreen and would love to experience that again!

Phil Van Neuter - one of my fave MT characters and i'm happy that he did get some good exposure after the series wrapped, but that has died down.

Carter the Butler - again, another Muppet who had a little bit of post-MT glory, managing to steal the few parts of Muppets From Space he was in.

Taminella Grinderfall - have always wanted her to make a cameo, and now with Jerry Juhl no longer with us, this is even more non-likely as it's been for the last few decades, but even he Jerry was still with us, she'd probably be voiced by someone else anyway. But i would love to see her make the most random appearance be it among a crowd scene or with a line or many of these, i'd be happy to see as background extras...i mean if some other long-thought-would-never-be-seen-again puppets like George and JP Gross could be seen in the 1990's, is it too much to ask to see Hilda, for example among a group of random Muppets in a crowd scene? But back to Tammy, the ultimate surprise cameo would be in some restaurant scene where Kermit is in a booth sitting by himself probably because he just had an arguement with Piggy who left in a huff or a group of Muppets all took off as the bill is brought to the table...and Kermit's there at the table gulping over whatever just happened, and just as it seems like the scene's about to cut to something else, all of a sudden Tammy pops up out of nowhere working as a waitress offering "Have a popover Froggy?"

Beautiful Day Monster - just a classic puppet with a lot of great history that would make a good addition to the group of extras.

Fleet Scribbler - too edgy in 1977, but would work well in today's tabloid obesessed society.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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Lips: I don't know if I've ever voiced this opinion, but they should have kept him, especailly after the passing of Jim and Richard. They could have added some voice back to the EM, if that makes any sence at all.
Digit: Ever since I first saw him, I was interested in him. He was one of the better characters to emerge from TJHH. He could be a technision or something, even a cameo, but PLEASE BRING HIM BACK!
Clifford: I know he hasen't been gone all that long, but I liked him.
Bean Bunny: I haven't seen him get smashed in the last couple of movies.....
Leon: Another character from TJHH I liked. (going off track here, but did you notice the two main characters Kevin preformed were purple?)
Heres one that would seem really really unlikely, but
Crasher: He was in the Innertube pilot of TJHH. He was preformed by Richard, but I'd like to see him randomly poping up in diffrend places.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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@DW: Speaking of Season 1 Muppet show, I'd love to see Droop and Mildred return. I just always loved their design.

@Colbyn: I forgot about Leon...I'd say bring back Lindbergh too. I love the "mix between Muppets and creature shop" style JHH was going for.


Jan 27, 2009
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I would love to see old Sam & Friends puppets remade and making new appearances. I almost flipped when I saw Harry and Sam in the Muppets' 30th Anniversary special.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2006
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Hmmm... let's see, I'd like to see Hilda, Fleet Scribbler, Digit, Bean Bunny (but he does appear every now and then) and maybe even Beautiful Day Monster, I miss those guys.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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My good buddy Bill should be given more stardom. He's such a talented bubble blower.