The Sesame Street Horror Special: Herry Werewolf! Part 1


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2003
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From an idea a friend of mine had about a character from "Sesame Street" being a werewolf, and in honor of the first "Mysterious Theater" skit to be uploaded on Youtube, I decided to write this little story here! This is part one of the story. It is set to take place during the 1990-1991 timeframe of "Sesame Street." So sit back and sink your teeth into...


Part One

We start on the “Mysterious Theater” opening sequence, complete with music and sound effects and the painting of a woman at a funeral placing her handkerchief on a grave, where the “MYSTERIOUS THEATER” title flashes on the tombstone to thunder crashing. Then we zoom into the grave, as usual, and come up to the library where Vincent Twice calmly sits in his library. His candle is lit, like always, and thunder is rumbling outside. He then turns to face the camera and begins his introduction.

Vincent Twice: Good evening, and welcome to a special edition of “Mysterious Theater.” I’m your host, Vincent Twice, Vincent Twice. Tonight, we WON’T be seeing Sherlock Hemlock OR his dog Watson. You see, tonight, I am going to present to you “The Sesame Street Horror Special.” It is a story about our old friend, Herry Monster. Sure, you may THINK he’s cute and friendly, but not in tonight’s special! You see, he becomes CURSED! It will make you shiver, and your teeth will chatter, and you just might jump! Watch, as we observe the poor monster in… “Herry Werewolf!”

We fade to outside of the familiar apartment, addressed at 123 Sesame Street. It’s nighttime outside, and there’s a full moon. Inside, we see Maria, Gordon, Susan, Gina, Elmo, Big Bird, Telly Monster, Herry Monster and Grover watching a movie in Susan’s apartment. Scary music comes from the TV, as well as evil laughter.

Susan: Remember, guys, this is only make-believe.

Telly: We know… say, the Count doesn’t suck people’s blood, does he?

Maria: Oh no, no he doesn’t! He only drinks vegetarian blood, which is nothing but red punch.

Telly: Whew… that’s good to know.

A loud woman screaming comes from the TV, and everyone jumps.

Big Bird: Look out! He’s right behind that lady!

Grover: Relax, Big Bird. It is only a m-m-movie… nothing here can happen in real life.

Big Bird: It’s not that… it’s the nightmares I’m going to have tonight!

The movie continues. After a while, Elmo and Telly and Grover and Herry and Big Bird are clutching each other nervously.

Herry: Don’t worry… the good guys always win in these movies.

Outside, the moon is completely full. A wolf howls off in the distance. Herry looks up at the moon in horror. He then notices a bit more fur growing on him.

Herry: AROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (everyone stares at him) Oh, excuse me. I… I gotta go to the bathroom! (he runs off)

Elmo: Why did Herry run away?

Telly: Maybe he’s more scared of the movie than we all are!

In the bathroom, Herry Monster looks at himself in the mirror. He notices he is shedding some fur a bit!

Herry: What… what’s going on?

The wolf howling can be heard again, and Herry looks up at the moon. Herry howls again, and then suddenly crouches to the ground. We see his feet. Claws begin to grow on them! From the back of his pink-and-white striped pants, a blue tail sprouts through. Herry crouches down more, trembling a bit, and then turns to face the camera! He is now a big, blue wolf!

(NOTE: The older, giant blue Big Bad Wolf puppet is used for Herry as a werewolf here.)

Herry the wolf howls, and then looks at himself in the mirror.


He runs out of the bathroom in horror, knocking down the door. Herry, embarrassed by how he looks, decides to hide his face by grabbing a dark blue trenchcoat that just happens to be lying on the ground and cloaking himself in it. He runs past the Sesame Street gang, still watching the film. They don’t see Herry’s wolfish features.

Big Bird: Herry, where are you going?

Herry: Uh… I need to be home by 8:00, and I have to do some homework!

Telly: But Herry, it’s summertime, and it’s only 7:30!

Herry: Yes, but early to bed, early to rise. BYE!

Herry rushes outside the apartment, opens a familiar trash can and tosses the coat into the can.

Oscar: (from inside the can) Ouch! (pops out) Hey, an old trenchcoat! This will come in handy for the cold winter nights… NOT! (sees Herry) YIPE! I’m going back to my soap opera! (dives back into the can)

Herry: (moans) What can I do? I’m a wolf! I only hope my mom and dad will take it well. I don’t want to scare anybody! I need help!

He runs down the street to his own apartment. There, he opens the door and walks in. He knocks on the door to his family’s apartment.

Herry’s Mom (Camille Bonora): (from inside) Herry? Is that you?

Herry: Yes, mom. I have some really bad news, too. I… I’ve changed.

Herry’s Mom: Oh? Let me look. (Herry walks in, showing his wolf-like appearance to his mother. She looks like Herry with blue curly hair.) AAAH! Goodness gracious! It’s happened!

Herry: What happened?

Herry’s Mom: It’s the curse! The curse of the werewolf!

Herry: What’s that?

Herry’s Mom: I think we should have told you sooner, son… please sit down. (they go over to a couch) You see, your great, great, great grandfather was a werewolf. When he was your age, a wolf tried to get him. He escaped, however, but he was left with a curse. Whenever the moon would get full, he would transform into a wolf-like creature, like you did.

Herry: How come I am a werewolf, mom?

Herry’s Mom: Well, Herry, that’s because your great, great, great grandpa vowed to pass on the curse to every fifth generation son. And, unfortunately, you are that fifth-generation son. So, you got the curse. Sorry, Herry! (she sobs and clutches Werewolf Herry)

Herry: Sorry, Mom. But what can we do?

Herry’s Mom: Well, for now, we have to hide it. When the sun begins to set, you must hurry home as fast as you can! Your father and I will help take care of you. Then we will try to get help! Don’t worry, son. You won’t be cursed like this for long!

Herry: I’m scared, Mom. How long will it take?

Herry’s Mom: I don’t know, Herry. We will try our best…

Later, in Herry’s room, Herry the Werewolf he is able to put on his pajamas. He is still a werewolf. He looks out the window at the full moon.

Herry: AHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Don’t worry, Sesame Street! I promise not to scare you!

End of part one