Tommie was attacked!


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Sometime between 3:30 and 4:00 this morning: I hear sort of a banging sound coming from outside my room; one of the side effects from the sleeping medication my mother takes causes her to get up in the middle of the night with the munchies, so I assumed it was her messing around in the kitchen.

A few minutes later: my mom bursts into my room and wakes it me up telling me two wolves tried to get into Tommie's cage and get her. Damage done: they tore off part of the doorway to one of the doors of her cage, a larger piece of wood has been broken off but I can't tell from at the moment, the front of her cage is chewed up, and her litter tray has been detached. Tommie's current mood: like a frightened turtle, my current mood: anxiety-ridden. The wolves were strong enough to drag her cage a few feet across the patio trying to get to her. We leave the porch light and the blinds in the glass door open, I was unable to fall back asleep, so I layed in bed with both ears open.

5:15 A.M.: I hear some thumping going on outside my room, I hop out of bed, race to the back door, look out the window, and sure enough there's a huge tanish colored wolf pulling at Tommie's cage (my mom saw two earlier, but I just saw one this time); I open the door at shout at it saying "YOU LEAVE HER ALONE AND GET OUT OF HERE!" To my surprise, it took off running, but as requested, I woke my parents up, and my dad came out and we moved her into our screened-in back porch... the wolves were probably capable of busting through the screen, but that's all we could do for her at the moment. Tommie's current mood: remarkably calm, my current mood: adrenaline and heart pounding (I also have a small fear of dogs, but this was my first time dealing with actual wild wolves).

Sometime between 5:20 and 5:30 A.M.: After two attempts at ordering bunny stew for take-out, I simply could NOT go back to bed I was too anxiety-ridden; so I sat in my room for almost two hours on patrol (reading a book to keep my mind at ease while I kept my ears open). I made about twenty-five-to-thirty trips to the back door and window to see if the wolves were up to anything, and I even jumped at the sounds of planes over head and eventually birds singing. Tommie's current: STIFF AS A BOARD! She was frozen stiff for two hours!

Currently: Dad's off to work, and I'm still up, tired, and a little hungry; and Tommie must be because she's eating her food like she normally does. Now that's slowly becoming more daylight outside, I'm confident that we won't be seeing anymore wolves for a few hours. Tommie's current mood: hungry, my current mood: exhausted, but a little relieved.

The real scary part is that my Radar-like senses kicked in! Just the other day while we were celebrating her own little birthday (she turned four-years-old, and if God helps up out, by the middle of October we will have had her for three entire years) I was thinking to myself "I have the sickening feeling that one of these days, something bad is going to happen to her when I least expect it." And lo and behold it did!

I'm going to do my best to try to put Tommie at ease today, while my parents formulate a plan to kill the wolves (they're thinking of setting up things of poison-filled beef out back for them if they come back). I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight, and I'm sure Tommie will have trouble taking her catnaps this afternoon; we'll just have to wait and see.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Sheesh! That's a fright! We've got coyotes out where I live and I don't think they could easily get to my dog (or that they could take down my dog, but you know...) and I imagine it's pretty frightening! So Snowthy, give Tommie an extra helping of food from Widdle Prawnie Foo Foo. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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theprawncracker said:
So Snowthy, give Tommie an extra helping of food from Widdle Prawnie Foo Foo. :smile:
Too bad Widdle Bunny Foo Foo won't appreciate that... she doesn't appreciate anything.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Ohh! Poor bunny! Sounds like quite an ordeal! I'm glad she's ok and I hope those mean nasty wolves don't come back. Barbarians, geeze.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Well, I spent an hour with Tommie just a little while ago, and she's really PO'd at me right now, but that's now what's important; she HAS sustained injuries: bite marks on her butt, a clump of fur is gone and now reduced to a patch of naked pink skin on her right hip, and the tip of her tail has been bitten off. I realize she was terrified and that she's mad about the whole thing, but she just needs to realize she's lucky to still be alive as those wolves could've easily gotten to her and eaten her.


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Aug 8, 2003
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We will be taking her to the animal hospital when my dad gets home from work this afternoon... those wolves could've had rabies!!!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Aw... Poor bunny. Good thing she has a big strong Snowth to take care of her.
She must be hopping mad though. Maybe some soothing tea, judt don't pour it piping hot down her bunny hole... Or you'll end up with more than just a hot cross bunny!
Aaaaaaah... Wocka-wocka.

On a related note... Hey Prawns... You set up some sort of rock-smashing catapault for those coyotes? If nothing else, they have yet to master the intricacies of a simple jet-winged dynamite stick from Acme Home Products.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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She is hopping mad right now... hopping mad with pain, and those weren't coyotes, these were full-grown wolves!


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about poor Tommie. That's horrible! Lots of luck with her at the animal hospital, though I'm sure she'll be ok. :smile: And I really hope those wolves don't come back!