Jim mentioned in Lucas' new book

Vic Romano

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2003
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Just a note;
George Lucas new book "The Cinema of George Lucas" mentions Jim very favorably in two places. It first really just mentions what Frank's main line of work was on the Muppet Show when production on episode 6 began. But later in the book, it notes Jim to George as a "kindred spirit" and someone George truly respected and desired to work with and details a little about his experience with Jim in Labyrinth. It has a shot of Jim, Brian and two other puppeteers filming a shot from Labyrinth but the photo caption mentions them only as "Jim and friends."

Not much but if you're in Barnes and Nobles, there's probably a big Star Wars table set up for Episode three which is where the book is most likely to be displayed. It's worth a look (I even remember that the acknowledgement towards Jim is on pages 150 - 151). The book retails at $50.