Moore's Family Backstory


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Here you go. My first chapter of Kyle's background story of how my character was born and how other things have happend before everything else. Hope ya'll enjoy. Let me know if anythings wrong.

Chapter one: The Beginning

In a small town near a big ocean lived two scientists, a boy, a girl and five animals. A yak, a Bigfoot and three rats. Their names were Max and Jena Moore. Their kids Kyle and his sister Marian. And Yakky and Biggy. Oh yea and those rats. But to move on. They had moved there (that is the two scientist) from a huge city full of shopping stores, restaurant, inventors and tall scrapers. They had been wanting to move for a long time but couldn’t because of expenses.

It was in those days hard to get a new life going. So they thought about having a baby if they couldn’t get out of the city. So they did. Both their parents were not to surprised about this. They did not think they would be able to make it out there in the real world. So did they listen to their parents. NO! They knew it. They knew they could take care of a child. One day it happened. Jena was pregnant. So after a few labors and pushing and contraction the baby popped out.

“Oh isn’t she just beautiful.” “I can’t say anything. She has just left me speechless.” Said Max. “What should we name her?” asked Jena to Max. “How about Jenny?” “No that’s to close to my name. I’m thinking Samantha sounds good.” “I hate that name.”

Just then their assistant came into the hospital. “What about Marian?” “What are you doing here, Edgar?” asked Max. “Oh I just thought I would come by to see my boss and his new daughter.” “So about the name.” “What do you think hon?” “Hmmmm, sounds nice. I like it.” “So her name will be Marian.” said Max picking her up.

Several days passed and Marian grew like a weed. She started learning her abc and 123s. They thought they would keep her from the real world until they thought it was time. So she pretty much stayed in the lab. Jena taught her all her words, numbers and lots of different languages.

One day in the lab Max was doing some super secret experiment. Top Secret. No one would know what he was doing expect for Edgar, Marian and Jena. Max had just poured some green liquid into a beaker. “Ok this should do it!” Boom! A small explosion puffed into Max’s face making it all black.

Marian had been watching her dad all that day. She started laughing at her dad. “Do you think your father is funny? He is.” said Max whipping his face off. The next time wasn’t going to be fun. Max then picked up a beaker of what he thought was green but was blue. Marian had switched it. She didn’t know she was about to make her father pour in the wrong stuff. She was just playing around.

Well he poured it into the beaker with the yellow liquid and then it came. A huge explosion which made the whole lab start to fall apart. It made everything crumble and fall to pieces. Max grabbed Marian and ran to find Jena and Edgar. He saved whatever he could and flew the scene. There Jena and Edgar were. They too had heard the noise and flew out to the front. They watched as the lab/home crumble down to a big pile of concrete and brick. Everything they worked for was gone.

The only thing Max had saved was his life, daughter and a couple of liquids that if they would have been caught in the explosion it would have been their lives. Where were they going to go now? They couldn’t go to either of their parents. That would be just them telling them so. They thought of so many things to do but couldn’t find the one thing that wouldn’t make them asking for money or a place to stay. So they did the one thing they could do. Marian was the one thing holding them back.

So they let Edgar adopted her. They couldn’t let Marian grow up without anything she need and things they would love to buy her. “You take good care of our girl, Edgar.” “I will boss. I promise to give her what she needs.” “I love you Marian. I love you so….” said Jena who started to cry her eyes out. She couldn’t stand to see her baby girl go. “Don’t worry hon. Will get
all the things we need and get her back..” said Max hugging Jena. “Bye baby girl. Daddy will miss you. But well see each other again.” Marian hadn’t ever spoke before but then she said “Daddy?” and one tear left her eye and fell to the pavement. And just like that Edger was gone.

Years had passed. And they ended up having another baby. They had been living in this new house and everything was back to normal. They couldn’t forget about their baby girl but also had to move on. They knew that she was doing ok and everything. But just didn’t bring it up around anyone or anybody. They had just arrived back home with the new baby boy. His name being Kyle. Boy were they happy again. They now could teach him how to walk. Learn his numbers and alphabet.

Next to them lived a family of three. A dad named Bo Moppet. Christy the Mom and Vic their baby boy. Oh and their dog Ted. The Moppets had heard there was a new family who had just moved in. They wanted to greet them as most neighbors do. So she baked them a cake. Her and Bo (who didn’t really care for greeting new neighbors) took the cake as a welcome gift. “Come on honey. Let’s welcome the new neighbors.” said Christy dragging Bo over to the steps of the new neighbors.

Christy knocks on the door. “But I really don’t think we need to…” Just then the door opens. “….oh hi there new neighbor. I’m Bo Moppet. And this is my wife Christy. And you must be…” said Bo holding out his hand. “Max Moore. And this is my wife. Jena. “Please to meet you. Why don’t ya’ll come on in for a while.” said Jena. “Oh well were kind of in a hurry....” said Bo before Christy interrupted. “Sure.” “I thought we weren’t going to stay over here long?” said Bo whispering to Christy. “Just get over it. Were here so there. Oh by the way this is yours. I made it just for ya’ll.” said Christy handing the cake to Jena.

“Thank you so very much. You’re the first people who have brought us anything.” “Let us show ya’ll two around the house.” said Max. So Max and Jena showed the Moppets around the house. Showing them every nick and cranny. But one door in peculiar seemed to be locked with several locks. What could be behind this door? A sign on the door read “Beware!”

“What’s in there?” asked Bo. “Oh nothing Come this way and you will….” said Max trying to distract them from the door. “Just nothing?” asked Bo. “Just tell’em.” said Jena whispering to Max. “But there’s some really secret stuff in there.” “What could possibly go wrong?” said Jena. “Ok if you say so but if they run out of this house screaming it’s your fault.” Max proceeds to open the door. “There you go, Mr. Moppet. That is what is in there.” Christy and Bo’s eyes got really big. “Wow!” said Bo lookin around at every thing. There were small and big animals hooked up to everything you can think of. “This is neat. So what do you….” said Bo before getting interrupted by Christy again.

“Uh look at the time. We have to go. Our son is probably hungry.” said Christy grabbing Bo by the hand and rushing out of their house. “But honey I was just getting interested. Can’t we stay longer?” said Bo trying to hold his wife back. “Sorry about this. She gets a little out of hand. I’ll have to come over some other time. Nice meeting ya’ll. Bye.” said Bo being dragged away. “See what I said.” said Max to Jena. “Yea but they weren’t screaming.” “Ok so they didn’t scream. But they still left.”
“Oh don’t worry about it. Like she said, their boy was hungry. That reminds me. Have you seen our boy?” “In his crib asleep. I think that where I should be. Asleep.” said Max.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Fabulous chapter. Poor Marin though having to be given away. And Mother dragging Father...completely in character. Great job!


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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One thing...its spelled M-A-I-R-I-N, Mairin...besides that, its good...


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Mairiazgn?? No wait that's not right. How about Marian nooo not it either? Okay I'll stop. Mairin I know it but getting my fingers to know it is a different story :wink:


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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It's not you's just in his PMs and else where Kyle has spelled it right...But through the whole chap. here it is wrong...


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Sorry about that Nyssa. I didn't know I was spelling it wrong. Sorry again.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Nice beginning there Kyle. Maybe why not too many people have found it is cause of the title. You put it in Friends & Family, I guess they've opened up a loophole to let fanfics of the Moppet Family stay there... But it should've had "The Moppet Family" or "The Moppet FamFic" in the title. That'd bring us over like a flash of lightning.

Oh, and the scene at the beginning with the whole Moore family... You'll connect back to that at some point right?
Good stuff, keep posting more story.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Yes I'll point back to that when I get the whole beginning finished. Meaning I still will have at least two or three more chapters then I'll point back yes.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Whoa!! Kyle! This story is awesome so far! Poor poor Mairin though...

Can't wait for the rest!! :excited: